Throughout my 25 year career with various Engineering Firms, Architectural Firms and Construction Management Firms the one area that has always let time fly by is Project Accounting. The details that go into setting up an original budget and schedule of values then watching it as the monthly invoicing happens and the change orders come in, it’s truly fascinating, especially when you have 60-150 projects and clients with different requirements for payment, then add in the general accounting so the books balance out monthly and you get to how a project accountant has a 8 hour shift fly right by. There are so many more details involved and it’s always new and interesting. The Project will always tell a story, from the contract to the Certificate of Occupancy, the paperwork in between, there were careful steps taken to ensure all the bases were covered. Being a fan of software, data and architecture is a huge help! Making sure the projects stay profitable and don’t stray off course with a sense of humor will ensure you enjoy those 8 hours that fly by!