Architectural Design Associate

The Professional:

While studying art and celebrating my free spirit in the University of Puerto Rico, I was introduced to architecture.  I learned about the art, the abstract, the psychological aspects and how it all affected a design.  I found it fascinating!

When in Brasilia, there, on a mural on the National Congress building, a sketch illustrated the seminal concept that organized the capital; a simple sketch, two lines and a circle.  The thought of how this diagram defined and impacted an entire country blew my mind.  In that moment, everything made sense as I walked through the city and the sketch came to life.  I was overwhelmed by an immense sense of responsibility and finally understood that as an architect I had an opportunity to change and impact lives.   That remains my inspiration on every project.

I was raised to be myself, to be generous in word and action.  Everyone deserves the best of who we are.  I bring this way of life to the workplace which makes communications effective and honest.  In a discipline where everyone can contribute towards the project, being able to understand and fully empathize with my client and my coworkers creates the perfect atmosphere for great projects.

The Inner Rogue:

Traveling to new cities and absorbing new cultures and listening to music is how I enjoy my time.  Fortunately, Denver is home to some of the best Jazz, so I keep myself immersed and energized!  Occasionally, the warmth of the sun will remind me of Puerto Rico’s tropical sunsets that I accompany with the memory of a wave crashing on the sand.